
Malachite is a transformation crystal that helps to deeply purify energy. It will cleanse, activate and protect the chakras.

This gemstone can absorb negative energy and pollutants from our bodies and the surrounding atmosphere. Malachite is also used for spiritual protection and to improve people's ability to recover from past traumas.

What is Malachite?

What is Malachite?

The Name "Malachite" comes from the Greek word "mallache", which refers to a plant called "mallow", which means "green" to characterize the color of Malachite.

In China, Malachite got its name because its color resembles peacocks feather. Malachite has also been used as a medicinal material and pigment.

Where does Malachite come from?

Where does Malachite come from?

Malachite can be found in USSR, Zaire, Germany, France, Australia, Chile, Arizona and New Mexico/USA. Although malachite is widely distributed but they seldom occur in large quantities.

Since malachite mineral is in abundant supply, you will hardly find synthetic materials in the market. There is evidence that Malachite was mined as early as 4000 B.C. on the Sinai Peninsula.

The ancient Egyptians believed that malachite was a useful amulet for children and even believed that hanging a small piece of malachite on a child's cradle would drive away all evil spirits and make the child sleep peacefully and soundly.

In some parts of Germany, people believed that wearing this green mineral could prevent the threat of death and predict impending disasters based on the fragments that broke into several pieces.

If a piece of malachite was engraved with the sun, the malachite had the power to free people from evil spirits and hidden dangers. People ground malachite into triangles, set it with silver, and wore it close to the body as an amulet.

What are the healing properties of Malachite?

What are the healing properties of Malachite?

Improved Mindset

If you have trouble processing information at work or school, consider using this crystal. Malachite will get to the root of the problem, enhancing intuition and insight, allowing you to overcome difficult situations.

In the process, Malachite will enhance your ability to absorb and process information, making you more perceptive and understanding of certain situations.

Emotional Healing

Malachite also aids in deep emotional healing, so it is an appropriate crystal for those who have lost a loved one or have experienced trauma and have not yet fully recovered.

Malachite releases our past traumas and negative experiences by calling up our previously suppressed emotions, and we learn how to breathe deeply and begin to heal ourselves.

If you are in need of emotional healing due to the loss of a loved one, consider carrying a Malachite with you to help you recover, or if you know someone who has recently lost a loved one, consider gifting a Malachite to help them heal.


If you find it difficult to make up your mind to do something that you consider risky, then consider using Malachite to make changes in your life. Malachite is a transformational stone that encourages risk-taking and change.

Therefore, life can be more fulfilling under the influence of this adventurous gemstone. This stone helps to reveal what is holding you back from spiritual growth, it draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic reasons, breaking up unwanted connections and outdated patterns.

If you feel like you are unable to properly support your friendships, you may want to consider using this crystal to help you do that. This is because Malachite can teach us to take responsibility for our actions, thoughts, and emotions.

This stone can release inhibitions, encourage emotional expression, and help develop empathy for others by showing us what it would feel like to be in their shoes. Malachite psychologically helps to transform us, reduce our shyness, and support friendships.


Malachite is sometimes referred to as the midwife stone. This is because this gem can help to ease cramps and facilitate labor. This makes Malachite a great gift for someone who is about to give birth. 


If you feel you are often exposed to negative energies and need help with drawing them away from you, consider carrying around this crystal as Malachite protects us by absorbing negative energies and pollutants by picking them up from the atmosphere and body.

Therefore, you should cleanse the gem before and after use to ensure you get rid of all the negativity it has picked up. You can cleanse Malachite using various methods, such as placing it on a quartz cluster in the sun.


Malachite can soak up plutonium pollution and guard against radiation of all kinds. If you live near a nuclear or natural radiation source, Malachite should be placed in the home. The stone also clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies.


The stone is also will activate and clear the chakras and attune spiritual guidance. When the stone is placed on the third eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. When the stone is placed on the heart, it brings balance and harmony, opening the heart to unconditional love.

Placing Malachite on the solar plexus facilitates deep emotional healing. or accessing other worlds Malachites` intricate pattern releases the mind and stimulates pictures. The gem can assist in receiving insights from the subconscious or messages from the future.

If you have been curious about scrying, consider using Malachite as it quiets an active mind while opening clairvoyant pathways, which can magnify visionary intuition.

Physical healing

Malachite is has been used to; lower blood pressure, treat asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, fractures, swollen joints, growths, travel sickness, vertigo, tumours, the optic nerves, pancreas, spleen and the parathyroid.

Malachite can also align DNA and cellular structure and enhance the immune system. The stone stimulates the liver to release toxins, reducing the acidification of tissues.

Malachite Quality

Malachite Quality evaluation


The quality of malachite is closely related to its color. Bright colors are better, and malachite green is better. When choosing malachite, you can choose bright and pure colors, clear and beautiful patterns.


Malachite is affected by the outside world during its formation, which will cause flaws and cracks in the malachite, so it is better to have a dense structure, fine texture and no holes.

Block size

The larger the block size, the better. However, the actual situation should also be taken into consideration. Its price increases with the increase of weight.

Maintenance of Malachite

Avoid collision

In daily life, malachite jewelry should be avoided from collision, contact with acidic and alkaline substances, and try not to come into direct contact with perfume, sweat, chemicals, soap, etc., so as to affect the gloss of the jade.

Avoid high temperature

Also pay attention to avoid high temperature exposure of malachite. In a long-term high temperature environment, malachite will produce fine lines, lose its beautiful color, thus affecting the appearance and reducing the value of malachite.

Pay attention to cleaning

When wearing pendants, wipe them with a clean and soft white cloth. Avoid using colored cloth or cloth with rough fibers to wipe. When not wearing, it can be stored in a relatively ventilated and humid environment.


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